The 7th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference, GPECOM2025, focuses on the latest technologies, researches and challenges of power electronics, energy systems and communication technologies. The conference will be held on June 1113, 2025. 

GPECOM2025 will be in a hybrid concept combining in-person and online presentations to accommodate a broader audience and diverse participation. The primary objective of GPECOM2025 is to offer a platform for researchers to share their most recent research findings in various domains including Power Electronics, Electrical Machines and Drives, Control Systems, Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Conventional and Renewable Energy Systems, as well as cutting-edge technologies related to Microgrids and Smart Grids, Communication Systems, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. The conference aims to foster a professional network that connects researchers, academicians, industry professionals, engineers, and experts in these specialized research areas. The conference actively encourages the submission of research papers that cover power, energy, and communication systems, with an emphasis on control, modelling, design, integration, and practical applications across the technical track (TT) fields.

GPECOM2025 is a peer-review conference with blind review process.

The technical topics of the regular sessions include but are not limited to the following topics:

TT1- Power Electronics, Devices and Controllers

TT2- Electrical Machines and Drives

TT3- Conventional and Renewable Energy Technologies

TT4- Smart Grid Researches and Applications

TT5- Communication Technologies and Researches

Detailed complete list of tracks and topics can be found at here

Paper Submission and Post-Conference Publishing
Prospective authors are invited to electronically submit full papers in English, 6 pages, in pdf format following instructions accessible via www.gpecom.org. Accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore online digital library, and Web of Science Core Collection. 
Up to 20% of the best papers presented at the GPECOM2025 could be eligible for review and publication on the  IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications or IEEE Industry Applications Magazine
The paper submission and review processes are going to managed via Microsoft Conference Management System (Microsoft CMT) as done in the past GPECOM conferences. The paper submission system can be accessed at https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/GPECOM2025 address.

Important Dates and Deadlines
Special Session and Tutorial Proposal Deadline              February 16, 2025
Full Paper Submission Deadline                                                March 30, 2025
Notification of Acceptance                                                           April 27, 2025
Final Paper Submission                                                                   May 11, 2025
Early Bird Registration                                                                    May 16, 2025
Conference Dates                                                                               June 11 – 13, 2025
Special Sessions
The GPECOM2025 will include special sessions on highly specialized areas, reporting technical trends and breakthroughs within the scope of the conference. Special Sessions are organized at the initiative of one or more individuals, who must adhere to specific procedures published on the conference website.  
Organizers of a successful Special Session will get a free registration for every 5 papers not authored by any of the organizers and finally included in the program. The organizers can use this registration by themselves when registering to attend the conference.


Proceedings of 6th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM2024) have been published at the IEEE Xplore Digital Library as of July 6th. 

Moreover, all collection of GPECOM conferences can be seen at Web of Science (WOS) Core Collection

Thank you for your participation and support to IEEE GPECOM2024. 

Special Sessions

Special Sessions of GPECOM2025 are listed below. The paper submission and review processes of special sessions are managed with Microsoft CMT system where the special sessions are listed in addition to main track sessions. Please make sure that you select the relevant SS tab as primary or secondary subject area while submitting your paper at CMT System.

SS1- Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twin Applications for Energy Conversion Systems

Organizers: Hatim Ameziane, Mourad Yessef

SS2- High-Gain Power Converters: Advanced Techniques and Control for Renewable Energy Integration

Organizers: Vemparala Seshagiri Rao, Mahajan Sagar Bhaskar

SS3- Power Electronics and Control Strategies for Energy Conversion and Power-to-X Systems in Future Power System

Organizers: Arman Fathollahi, Björn Andresen

Template for Paper Presentations

Two sample presentation templates which are not mandatory may be used and revised according to authors’ preferences. The number of pages can be increased as needed. The documents can be downloaded at opened new page.

Presentation Template-1 (pptx)

Presentation Template-2 (ppt)

Memories from IEEE GPECOM2024


Thank you all participants, authors, reviewers, Committee Members, and co-organizers. It was a great pleasure to meet with all in Budapest. We are looking forward to meeting soon.

GPECOM2024 Organizing Committee


GPECOM2025 Technical Co-Sponsors

7th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM 2025) is technically co-sponsored by IEEE. IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS), IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), and IEEE Germany section are Technical Co-Sponsors of IEEE GPECOM 2025.

GPECOM conferences have been technically co-sponsored by IEEE and listed at IEEE Conference Search Website since its first start in 2019. All the registered and presented papers have been also published at IEEE Xplore Digital Library. All the accepted and presented papers of IEEE GPECOM2025 will be submitted to Web of Science Core Collection and IEEE Xplore Digital Library for publishing as before. Moreover, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit their papers in extended form for post-conference publishing after a new round of review.