Information for Special Session Organizers
GPECOM2024 will include special sessions on highly specialized topic areas, reporting technical trends and breakthroughs within the scope of the conference. Special Sessions are organized at the initiative of one or more individuals, who must adhere to specific procedures published on the conference website. Special sessions can cover subjects or cross-subjects belonging to the topics of interest, or novel topics related with the ones identified within the topics of interest. Special sessions can also have the drive from specific research and development projects or clusters of projects.
Organizers of a successful Special Session will get a free registration for every 5 papers not authored by any of the organizers and finally included in the program. The organizers can use this registration by themselves when registering to attend the conference.
Special Session Organizer’s Duties and Review Process
Special Session organizers are expected to manage their special session by
– sending “Call for Papers” dedicated to that Special Session including the details to the Special Session Chair;
– to contact potential authors and invite them to submit;
– to prepare a list of potential reviewers.
The review process of any Special Session will be led by the Special Session organizer(s) with the same rules as for regular papers. If the number of selected papers will be lower than 5, accepted papers will be shared within other regular sessions of the area. Special Sessions may also include a higher number of papers (but being multiple of 5), if it is required by the particular topic and a sufficient number of papers is received. Additional instances may be agreed with Special Session Chairs.
After the Special Session organization is complete, the organizer must perform the following duties:
– to attend the Conference;
– to chair the proposed Special Session;
– to provide the name of a co-chair (useful in case of Session Chair being author of a paper in the Session);
– to participate to the review process actively, like a track-chair.
Organizers of scheduled Special Sessions commit themselves to register for and attend the conference. For each Special Session, one free registration will be offered to the organizer or distributed among all organizers at their own decision. In any case, the general rules about maximum number of papers associated with a registration will apply.
Any potential Special Session organizer has to complete and send the Call for Special Session proposal to Special Session Chairs (Yasin Kabalci <> or up to February 16th, 2025.
Special Session Template
*** The Special Session Template file can be downloaded at Google Docs. To download in any file format, follow File>Download> path in Google Docs