Annual GPECOM Awards
Dr. Muhammad Harunur Rashid Best Paper Grants
Professor Muhammad H. Rashid is generously supporting the GPECOM2024 conference by providing best paper grants aimed at fostering enthusiasm among young professionals and students. There will be a total of four grants, each valued at 250 USD for professional researchers holding a Ph.D. degree and specifically designated for students.
The grants will be awarded to professionals and postgraduate students who attend the conference and present a paper. The subcommittee will be responsible for receiving submissions, evaluating them, and managing the award distribution process.
Best Paper Awards
– GPECOM2024 Best Student Paper Award
– GPECOM2024 Outstanding Paper Award
– GPECOM2024 Best Presentation Award
Best Paper Awards Presented at IEEE GPECOM2024
At IEEE GPECOM2024, exceptional research papers have been celebrated across three specialized domains: Power Electronics and Electrical Machines, Power Systems, and Communication Technologies, recognizing both the Outstanding Paper and Best Student Paper in each category.
Additionally, the conference presents Dr. Muhammad H. Rashid awards to four papers. We appreciate Dr. Rashid’s generous support of the GPECOM Conference and his contributions to society.
Congratulations to all award winners!
Power Electronics and Electric Machines
- ID 110 Design and Component Selection of Three-Phase T-type Power Factor Correction (PFC) rectifier, Reza Asrar Ghaderloo (University of Maryland, USA), Yidi Shen (University of Maryland), Ayodhya Somiruwan Gamwari (University of Maryland), Chanaka M Singhabahu (University of Maryland ), Alireza Khaligh (University of Maryland) (Best Student Paper in Power Electronics)
- ID 111: Control Strategy for Torque Ripple Reduction in Brushless DC Motors with 180-Degree Commutation; Ziliang Feng (University of British Columbia, Canada), Rahul Raman Ramesh (University of British Columbia), Seyyedmilad Ebrahimi (University of British Columbia), Juri Jatskevich (University of British Columbia) (Outstanding Paper in Power Electronics)
Power Systems
- ID 101: Modeling Zero-Dynamics Attacks on Wind Turbines Through Laplace and Z-Domain Representations; Tamás Haba (Budapest University of Technology and Economics); Csaba Budai (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) (Outstanding Paper in Power Systems)
- ID 280: Resilience Oriented Distributed Secondary Control for Networked Microgrids: A Case Study From Indonesia; Amir Basati (Aalborg University, Denmark), Najmeh Bazmohammadi (Aalborg University), Yajuan Guan (Aalborg University), Juan C. Vasquez (Aalborg University), Josep M. Guerrero (Aalborg University) (Best Student Paper in Power Systems)
Communication Technologies
- ID 46: Implementation of SCADA for IEC 61850 Communication in the IEEE 14-Bus System; Flavio Quizhpi (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana), Antony Jacome (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana), Mateo M Quizhpi (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana) (Best Student Paper in Communication Technologies)
- ID 265: Analysis and Optimization of Cooperative Jammer for Spatial Electromagnetic Spectrum Holes; Dongyang Wang (Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, China), Zhaoxi Lin (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China), Xiaozhe Jia (China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology), Mingwei Zhang (Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, China) (Outstanding Paper in Communication Technologies)
Muhammad H Rashid Awards:
- ID 89: MIMO-NOMA-DAE: A Deep Learning based Downlink MIMO-NOMA Scheme for Low-Power Applications with Imperfect CSI; Muhammad Usman Ejaz (Queen Mary University of London); Tayyaba Irum (Queen Mary University of London); Shingirai Amoni Simba (Queen Mary University of London) (M Rashid Best Student Paper in Communication Technologies)
- ID 131 Stability of a Distributed Controller for Optimal Current Sharing and Voltage Containment in DC Microgrids, Cornelia Skaga, Babak Abdolmaleki, and Gilbert Bergna-Diaz (M Rashid Best Student Paper in Power Systems)
- ID 195: Stability Analysis of DFIG with Virtual-Admittance-Based Grid-Forming Control under Different Grid Strenghts; Emanuele Fedele (University of Naples Federico II, Italy), Nicola Campagna (University of Palermo, Italy), Giuseppe Bossi (University of Cagliari, Italy), Renato Rizzo (University of Naples Federico II), Rosario Miceli (University of Palermo), Alfonso Damiano (University of Cagliari) (M Rashid Best Paper)
- ID 208: Distributed Secondary Control for Accurate Reactive and Harmonic Power Sharing among VSIs with Integrated Grid-Forming and Grid-Following Capabilities; Iman Lorzadeh (Ghent University, Belgium), Omid Lorzadeh (Power Electronics and Control R&D Team, USA), Luc Dupré (Ghent University), Lieven Vandevelde (Ghent University) (M Rashid Best Paper)